Friday, September 28, 2012

Our Trip to Pilcher Park

This fungi is fuzzy!
We saw many different kinds of fungi.  

This is the portal to fairy land or a chipmunk nest.
Another portal to fairy land.

What an amazing spider web! It's shaped like a tornado.

This mother squirrel has been hiding her berries from her kids.

Look at those tree roots!

We don't know what caused the leanto and fire pit.Very weird. 

Termite tunnels, I like to call them ancient writing.

Those are some crazy vines!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Mermaid's Secret

  The mermaids live deep in the middle of the ocean. They had lived there for over 100 years. They never really took any interest in the humans living on land. Once and awhile one of the mermaids would peer above the surface of the water onto the land. Sometimes the humans would see different parts of a mermaid, like her glistening tail, and then they would be curious. 

  One day the humans decided to look for the mermaids. They built two large ships and sailed away. They went ten miles into the ocean before they sent out five scuba  divers. When the scuba divers found the mermaid's kingdom they looked in every house and room until they found every mermaid. The mermaids were very frightened. Then they realized that the humans were very nice.

  The mermaids made friends with the humans quickly. When the humans had to go back to their ships they promised not to tell anyone else about the mermaids.The scuba divers came back to the mermaids kingdom often and never told the mermaid's secret.
                                                                             THE END

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Baby Super Sentences

   One day an ordinary baby realized that she wanted a puppy. So she quickly escaped out the doggie door to the dog pound. She got a chubby puppy that looked like a chihuahua and took it in her mouth to her favorite noodle shop. She snuck into the kitchen and they ate plain buttered noodles with extra parmesan. Then she snuck back out and went home with the puppy. 
  At home she discovered that the chubby puppy could not fit through the doggie door so she got her father's power saw and made the doggie door bigger. When she finished with the doggie door they both went inside and the baby climbed back into her high chair.  The puppy sat under the table and waited for the baby to drop applesauce.  They ate together for the rest of their lives.