Thursday, April 23, 2015


fancy pretty
gistening glowing glittering
gems are luster diamonds are radiant
twinkeling shimmering dazzling
dressy beautiful

scary, ugly
creeping, scaring
scary things that
live under your

Winter is Coming

     The old spider awoke to a chilly wind blowing on her back,"W-w-wint-t-ter is c-c-coming!", Wind told her in his eerie tone. Spider heard him and rose from her slumber.
   She stretched her legs, o-one, two-o, thre-ee, fo-our, fi-ive, six, se-even.........eight!"Ah,",she sighed, "now to work I go." She scurried to her web and waited for her first visitor.
    Dragonfly came SPLAT into her web. "Winter is coming, my dear. Don't be ashamed to fear, 'cause all of us do, when Winter is coming near." The Spider said as she began to untangle the little Dragonfly. "Gather your food so you won't starve, and a shelter in the world you'll carve. For Winter is coming near. As the trees shake and their limbs bend, 'Winter is coming!' Wind said. Now go tell all your friends, that Winter is coming near!"
   Dragonfly ,now untangled, flew away in laughter, "Silly Spider! Winter is not coming!" Spider ,shaking her head at the ignorance of the young Dragonfly, went back to her work of telling the passers by of Winter's coming. But they all said the same as the Dragonfly; "Silly Spider!"

     The next morning Spider awoke to Winter's cold breath on her back, "Winter!" she said in surprise, "Yes?" Winter sneered through icy fangs. "Well,", Spider began, her voice quivering, "what are you doing here!? Not even I am ready for your arrival!" 
   "The Wind told me you were having trouble telling your friends I'm coming. So I decided I'd leave a little message they'll have to believe. Do you agree?" Winter said, shoving his face into Spider's, and  smiling as warmly as his face allowed. "Why what a great idea!", said Spider,"You can leave it in my web!"
   So Winter wrote "Winter is coming near" with an icey claw, and left for another week. The insects saw his note and began storing food and building shelters, immedeately. And when Winter did come all the bugs were snug in their homes; including Spider.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Brown and Black Bears

How can you tell a Brown Bear's not black?
You'll look for a hump up on his back
The hump on his back helps him to dig deep
And so do his big paws on which he does creep
And how do you tell a Black Bear's not brown?
(Up in a tree he'll surely be found)
His short paws that help him climb the tree
Where he is stealing honey from a cranky honey bee
You can also tell if you look at his ear
Pointy and high they do better to hear
So that's how you tell Brown from Black Bear
But one last thing

  These are all ways you can tell the two kinds,Black bears and Brown bears, apart. The Brown bear has small ears, a hump on it's back used for digging, and large paws used for catching slippery fish and also for digging. The Black bear has bigger ears than a Brown bear, a flat back, and small paws used for climbing. These differences can be useful because a Brown bear can have black fur and a Black bear can have lighter fur. And like I said always beware!