Monday, December 17, 2012

The Legend of the Colombine

There once was a beautiful Phoebe Bird with shining feathers. The Indians loved her beautiful feathers and only had found one. Other birds hated her existence and her beauty. The Phoebe Bird tried to make friends with the other birds but for they thought all she would do is talk about how beautiful she was. So the Phoebe Bird was on her own. But she wasn't sad that she didn't make friends with the other birds because she had made friends with Fox, Rabbit, and Gopher. One day a sparrow while sitting in a tree over heard the Indians talking about the Phoebe Bird and how they wished to find another of the gleaming feathers. The sparrow flew home to his friends and told them what he had heard and his plan to be rid of the Phoebe Bird.

The sparrow, Owl, and Robbin all went back to the Indian camp all three birds came forward towards a man and a woman.  The sparrow told then that they could catch the Phoebe Bird and they could have the feathers they wanted.  It took two days and night for the woman, man and the rest of the tribe to decide what they would do.  The third day the hunters came the forest to try to catch the Phoebe bird but they couldn't.  So the warriors went out with the hunters.  This whole time the Phoebe Bird was hiding with her friends. 

"What should I do?" she asked her friends. 

Now fox was very wise and told her this, " Tonight you must go out and put three of your feathers down on the ground.  One by the Indians camp, one where the warriors sleep and the last one will go at the sparrow's home. "

That night the Phoebe bird went out and did what her friend told her to do, one feather at the Indian camp, one where the warriors slept, and the last at the sparrow's home.  The next morning the ground was covered with beautiful flowers that looked like the Phoebe Bird's  feathers.  the warriors went home and the sparrow apologized to the Phoebe bird for sending the Indians after her, and then everything was calm.

Christmas Cookie Recipe

1 & 1/2 cups of flour
1 & 1/4  cup of white sugar
2 slightly beaten eggs
1/2 c shortening
1 t vanilla
1 t baking soda
1t baking powder
1 t salt
1 & 1/2 cup butterscotch chips
1 & 1/2 cup pecans

First add 1 & 1/2 cup of flour to bowl.  Next measure 1 & 1/4 cup of white sugar and dump in the bowl.  Third crack two eggs into the bowl and lightly whisk.  Then put 1/2 cup of shortening into your bowl.  Now add 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 1 teaspoon salt to the bowl.  Last dump 1 & 1/2  cup of butterscotches and 1 & 1/2 cup of pecans in bowl.  Combine well, roll into small balls and bake on cookie sheets 9 to 11 minutes. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Tree

Christmas tree you are so bright
please share your little light
for all of us in the dark cold night
Oh me Oh my what a pretty sight
with ornaments hung to and  fro
who ever hung them was a pro
you look however nicely
I'd think you were very pricely
with tinsel spun round you
and no ornaments touch the ground, too
I feel so safe and sound
with you around

Friday, October 12, 2012

Caroline's Glasses

    One day Caroline discovered that she could not see the words in her chapter book.  she went to the eye doctor.  The eye doctor's name was Mrs. Bangel. 
     Mrs. Bangel said, 'Caroline I am going to inspect your eyes."
    After the inspection Mrs. Bangel asked Caroline to read different numbers and letters.  Then Mrs. Bangel said, "Caroline, you are going to need glasses."
    Caroline was excited because she had always wanted glasses like her mom, Martha.  Caroline chose a pair of glasses with rhinestones.  The next day she got candy.  THE END

Pearl's Tall Tale

  Once opon a time there was a girl named Pearl. She could talk to alligators,  otters and different kinds of birds. She was friends with all of the annimals that lived in the swamp. Once she found an orphaned otter and raised it as her own. Now the otter follows her everywhere she goes.
     One day when Pearl was up in a tree chatting with some birds she saw two hunters walk by.  The taller one said, "It's going to be a great hunting year, isn't it?"
    "Sure is," said the other man.  Pearl was very frightened. 
     After the men left Pearl got down from the tree and ran home. At home Pearl thought and thought. Then she remembered her old pals the honey bees. Pearl immediately got all 900,000,000 honey bees and told them her plan.
    Pearl took each bee hive and flung them in front of each hunter. The bees went crazy and started stinging the hunters. The hunters never came back and Pearle and the animals lived happily ever after.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Our Trip to Pilcher Park

This fungi is fuzzy!
We saw many different kinds of fungi.  

This is the portal to fairy land or a chipmunk nest.
Another portal to fairy land.

What an amazing spider web! It's shaped like a tornado.

This mother squirrel has been hiding her berries from her kids.

Look at those tree roots!

We don't know what caused the leanto and fire pit.Very weird. 

Termite tunnels, I like to call them ancient writing.

Those are some crazy vines!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Mermaid's Secret

  The mermaids live deep in the middle of the ocean. They had lived there for over 100 years. They never really took any interest in the humans living on land. Once and awhile one of the mermaids would peer above the surface of the water onto the land. Sometimes the humans would see different parts of a mermaid, like her glistening tail, and then they would be curious. 

  One day the humans decided to look for the mermaids. They built two large ships and sailed away. They went ten miles into the ocean before they sent out five scuba  divers. When the scuba divers found the mermaid's kingdom they looked in every house and room until they found every mermaid. The mermaids were very frightened. Then they realized that the humans were very nice.

  The mermaids made friends with the humans quickly. When the humans had to go back to their ships they promised not to tell anyone else about the mermaids.The scuba divers came back to the mermaids kingdom often and never told the mermaid's secret.
                                                                             THE END

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Baby Super Sentences

   One day an ordinary baby realized that she wanted a puppy. So she quickly escaped out the doggie door to the dog pound. She got a chubby puppy that looked like a chihuahua and took it in her mouth to her favorite noodle shop. She snuck into the kitchen and they ate plain buttered noodles with extra parmesan. Then she snuck back out and went home with the puppy. 
  At home she discovered that the chubby puppy could not fit through the doggie door so she got her father's power saw and made the doggie door bigger. When she finished with the doggie door they both went inside and the baby climbed back into her high chair.  The puppy sat under the table and waited for the baby to drop applesauce.  They ate together for the rest of their lives.